Thursday, September 19, 2024

Article on Earth Healing in Geomantica

I have an article on Earth Healing in the Fall Issue of Geomantica magazine. You can access the e-zine and my article by clicking on the link below

I Will Not Be Presenting At Pagan Pride This Saturday

 In a previous post on July 7, 2024 I posted that I will be talking about Earth Magic at Pagan Pride this Saturday. Talk on Earth Magic Saturday September 21, 2024

Unfortunately, because of illness I will not be there to speak.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Yuval  Noah Harari was on Amanpour & Co promoting his new book Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI. The conversation raised several interesting concerns. The dominate theme of the interview was that we are killing ourselves. Agreed.

Ecofeminist Carolyn Merchant in her book of The Death of Nature made the case indirectly we are killing ourselves, in my opinion, when she exposed the cruelty of Sir Isaac Newton, the father of science; how he was passionate about conquering and abusing Nature. The Scientific Method as developed by Newton cared little about harming Nature and everything to do with conquering Her in any way necessary.

I have a previous post on Merchant's book and how science is about domination, Solar Geoengineering--Another Wacky Concept to our Environmental Crisis by Dominating Mother Earth

While I look forward to reading Hariri's book what caught my attention, why I made this post, begins about  9:45 in when he starts talking about how the advent of the printing press spurred witch hunts and other violent acts to vilify and demonize the"other." I also feel this comment speak to religion. Sad.

PS Unfortunately we continue to demonize and marginalize witches is baked into the psyche of many.

Monday, August 26, 2024

5G, EMF's in General, Are Bad For You and Bad For the Environment

I have been pointing out the dangers of EMFs and 5G for well over a decade on this blog. 5G damages your DNA, causes inflammation and much more. Yesterday the Full Measure ran an informative segment they ran on 5G back in May. Below is link to the segment.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Texas is Sweltering--More Signs Climate Migration is Accelerating

Parts of Texas are searing with temps above 110°F; Abilene hit 113°F yesterday. Demand for electricity is at record levels--driving up utility bills. This will push climate migration north.

What will also contribute to climate migration north is the unraveling of support staff, or workers, that make every day life possible. High temperatures make working outside during the summer nearly impossible.

Heat wave casualties are increasingly showing up in  Texas and other locales. A UPS driver in north Texas passed out because of heat a few days ago and crashed his truck. Nearly 40 deaths in Dallas County this summer are being investigated as heat-related, according to the medical examiner. Climate change is increasingly putting a hurt on Americas south.

To learn more read my article on, Climate Migration

I have been posting on climate migration for years and will continue to do so.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

One of the Better Books on Climate Migration

Abraham Lustgarten has written an insightful book on climate migration, On The Move, The Overheating Earth And the Uprooting of America. Not surprising given that Lustgarten is a reporter on Climate Migration for ProPublica and the New York Times.

As someone that has been passionate about Climate Migration for years Lustgarten points out changes and raises issues I had not thought of. For example, rising heat will lead to increased suicides, thefts  and assaults.

The book has a social justice bent pointing out that rising temperatures will drive demand for energy which will balloon utility costs in some of the poorest regions of the country. It cites a report that Climate Change will also disproportionately hurt poorer communities that were hurt by redlining decades ago; with things like a "heat island effect" that can  spike temperatures  22°F more because of increased concrete and asphalt surfaces , and buildings and a lack of green space.

Increasing temperatures will increase pollens and allergens and lead to rise of vector-borne diseases and pandemics.

Follow the Water

Water scarcity may be the key determinant in leading to Climate Migration as more of America becomes parched. A research study in Mexico found the key variable in driving migration was the greater the drought the greater the out migration. 

Many areas of the country are at risk of losing their source of water. Arizona has published reports saying that by 2035 it will run out of water as the Colorado River dries up. The Ogallala aquifer in America heartland is down 150 feet. The Water Resources Institute that monitors water believes competition for water will be two to three times greater by the mid-century. Noting,

Extreme water stress--a characterization normally reserved for countries close to the equator--will plunge much of the land west of the Missouri Rive, roughly where the 100 th meridian divides the verdant East from the arid Great Plains, by 2040...

Adding that speculators are hoarding water. Yuk!

As temperatures rise  farming will require more water putting more stress on the demand for water.

Nuanced Migration

Lustgarten provides a more nuanced perspective on Climate Migration. People are not going to whole sale beginning moving. And if they move they may  not necessarily all move to America's north. People in rural southern areas may initially move to large metro areas like Atlanta.

However the north will experience a population rise, as well as the economic benefits.

The poor in the South may stay be stuck in the South and we may create islands of the wealthy.

All in all, On the Move is interesting, thought-provoking and worth a read.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Earth Healing 101

I am an Earth Healer that works with Mother Earths hidden body to make a better world. I do this because I believe actions taken in the hidden world can reverberate stronger than actions taken in the physical world. I recently began posting videos on YouTube on Earth Healing. I will be adding to the playlist over time.  Below is a link to the playlist.