Saturday, December 31, 2022

Climate Review of 2022

Today's Guardian had a good yearend review of the Climate Crisis. One of the writers Dom Phillips was murdered along with indigenous activist Bruno Periera in Brazil's Amazon this past year. Here is a link:

Environmental review of 2022: another mile on the ‘highway to climate hell’

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Happy Winter Solstice

 Today is the shortest day of the year. It is a time to rejoice and celebrate that a new cycle is beginning. Go outside and experience the wonder of our Mother (Earth) and give Her thanks for the bounty She has provided.

While the days will begin to get longer, the coldest and darkest days are ahead of us. Use this time to reflect and nourish your soul, understanding that our Mother's circadian rhythms provide an opportunity to better connect with Her, as well as others who have ridden this cycle over the ages.

Ponder deeply so that when spring comes the world will see a new and better you.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Solar Storms Pose an Enormous Risk to the Earth

 For the last few years I have been talking about the risks posed by solar storms ( to the Earth on this blog. Recently this has become a hot topic on the Internet, and YouTube in particular. Unfortunately, a lot of these articles are sensationalist and over the top in predicting the hardship it would bring us. Indeed they could devastate our electrical grid and lead to massive losses of life--but not every solar storm is an enormous threat.

Solar Activity has an eleven year cycle where it peaks and declines and begins rising again. Out current solar cycle will peak in 2025.

Today I read a very even-handed and sobering analysis of the threat posed by solar storms from an astrophysicist. It includes a discussion of the Carrington event in 1859 when our telegraphic systems were fried and northern lights were seen as far south as Cuba. I have included a link to a YouTube video on the Carrington Event below.

To read the article

Ask Ethan: How vulnerable is Earth to a solar flare?