Thursday, December 28, 2023

Is a Backlash Against Technology Brewin

I have been a luddite, an anti-tech person, all of my life. This blog is filled with posts about the problems technology creates, as well as, the dangers it poses. Hit the label 'technology kills' below to read some of them.

Today, the Guardian ran an opinion piece 'The zeitgeist is changing. A strange, romantic backlash to the tech era looms' on how a backlash against technology running over everyday life is beginning to bubble up. Saying it is not a turn to atheism but rather,

it’s what can be loosely termed “spirituality” – a devotion to astrology, witchcraft, magic and manifestation – that has emerged, particularly among the young. Online life, paradoxically enough, has only catalyzed this spirituality more, with teenage TikTok occultists and “manifesting” influencers racking up ever more followers.

Noting that the influencers against the Industrial Revolution were the poets and painters of the Romantic Age. People like Mary Shelly who wrote Frankenstein to highlight the fright of technology.

No doubt the onslaught of technology has been ferocious  these past past few decades--Internet, cell phones, social media....and we are in need of a respite. But will it be more?

Click to read the article

The zeitgeist is changing. A strange, romantic backlash to the tech era looms


Friday, December 22, 2023

Majority of Americans Seek Spirituality in Nature

Earlier this month Pew Research did its first analysis of the incidence of people considering themselves as being spiritual.Previously Pew looked at the growth of people considering themselves to be spiritual versus being religious. It found that 7 out 10 Americans consider themselves to be spiritual.

What was particularly interesting about the report was that the majority of those people who sought to experience  spirituality went to Nature to do so. Fully 77% of Americans spent in Nature a few times a month. Versus 64% that looked inward and 38% that meditated.

Some of the other findings in the report were;

-83% of all U.S. adults believe people have a soul or spirit in addition to their physical body.

-81% say there is something spiritual beyond the natural world, even if we cannot see it.

-74% say there are some things that science cannot possibly explain.

-45% say they have had a sudden feeling of connection with something from beyond this world.

-38% say they have had a strong feeling that someone who has passed away was communicating with them from beyond this world.

-30% say they have personally encountered a spirit or unseen spiritual force.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Land Memories Lead to Repeat Behavior--Sadly Murdere this time

 A few days ago a 15 year old boy was shot and killed in southern Onondaga Park. in the city of Syracuse, NY. The local papers noted that another young man had been killed at almost the same location back in 2012.

A 15-year-old was killed near the same area in 2021 by a then-20-year-old man. City and community leaders react to 15-year-old's murder in Syracuse.

Each thought we have, each action we undertake leaves a memory of that thought/action at the location where it transpired. These land memories  encourage repeat behavior, or thinking at the same location; the  more repeats, or the greater the intensity of the repeat, the stronger the land memory becomes. 

Basically, a karmic memory is left behind. I also call land memories "Imprints."

I have written about murders occurring in the city of Syracuse on several occasions,  both locations were in my, generally peaceful, Eastwood neighborhood.

Place Matters—Murder returns to the same place in my hood (Eastwood)

Murder Returns to the Same Location in my Eastwood Neighborhood in Syracuse

Reclaiming and Uplifting Space
As you can see unless a space is cleaned up of dangerous land memories the same behavior, aka Karma, will keep transpiring there. This means, setting up a memorial--candles, cards, flowers and the like.

Or having a vigil--preferably both. For years I would periodically join in with a group called "Mother's Against Gun Violence", many of its members had lost a son to gun violence, for a vigil. These were powerful and emotional events--something desperately needed to heal a space desecrated by violence.

If you are on the path and wish to make a better world--visiting a memorial, or attending a vigil at a murder site is a powerful witness to love.

Be Well,

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

New Study Confirms WE Merge With Our Surroundings Both People and Places

 In my book Everything has Karma I introduced the concept of circles to describe how we unite with everything and everyone we come in contact with. The stronger the bond (relationship, focus, etc.) the stronger the merger. Some recent research substantiates that claim.

It was reported  that couples that have been married for some time share high blood pressure. The implication being that the one with the high blood pressure influenced the other.

To read the article

Spousal Concordance of Hypertension Among Middle‐Aged and Older Heterosexual Couples Around the World: Evidence From Studies of Aging in the United States, England, China, and India

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Climate Change COP28 Conference

The one good recomndation coming United Nation's Climate Change Conference in Dubai, UAE is reducing methane gas. AT more than thirty times more polluting than CO2 it s a good decision. I am not a fan of renewables another recommendation, because I see them more as a problem than a benefit.

There are too many people (8 billion) consuming too much.There is no discussion regarding limiting, and even reducing, the number of people in the world coming out of COP28..

To me, our Mother, is much more magical than we realize. Energy Vortices, a topic I have written a book about and done numerous YouTube videos about. Energy Vortices are intention, and morality driven. Something that is an anathema to our modern scientific world.  Imagine if we recognized and decided work with the magic and make a better world. Until we recognize the magic and wonder in our relationship with Mother Earth we will continue to be in a downward spiral no matter what COP28 decides to do.

Sad that we will continue to slip.

If you don't know about Energies Vortexes click on the link below.

Monday, November 20, 2023

The Feared 2° Temp Rise is Here, The Richest 1% pollute more than the bottom 66%

It is believed  that the Earth past a key temperature rise of 2° Celsius above preindustrial levels of 1850-1900 this past Friday and Saturday. Thus indicating that global warming is accelerating, especially  when compared with the 1991-2020 average, Friday's global mean was a record-setting 1.17°C (2.1°F) above average. 

As noted earlier in the month feedback loops are feeding the flames of climate change.

The Rich are driving Climate Change

Oxfam reported 

1) That in 2019, the super-rich 1% were responsible for more carbon emissions than 66% of humanity (5 billion people).

2) Emissions of the richest 1% will cause 1.3 million heat-related deaths between 2020 and 2030—roughly the equivalent of the entire population of Dallas.

WOW. Another angle of wealth inequality that people are not talking about.

To read the Oxfam Report, Top 5 ways billionaires are driving climate change

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Geomantica Magazine--Fairy Haunts, Ley Lines, Esoteric Bee Keeping, Upcoming Fairy Conference and more

The latest issue of Geomantic Magazine is out.  It's focus is on Mother Earth, dowsing, electropollution, Earth Energies and permaculture. It is produced by Australian Alanna Moore, an accomplished dowser known for her permaculture work, who now resides in Ireland with her husband.

I have written several articles for the magazine over the last decade plus. In the current issue I have an article titled 'Where Ley Lines Originate From.'

In issue 87 November 2023 Alanna talks about Her upcoming book, Fairy Haunts of Ireland and provides excerpt from the book as well.

It also contains news on electropollutoin, aboriginal song lines and information on the upcoming gathering for the fourth Fairy Congress to be held online on. It is called the 'Gaian Conference,' Co-creating With the Subtle Realms' and is scheduled to take place January 19-21, 2024. There is much more such esoteric bee keeping.

Click to read Geomantica

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Congressional Report on Climate Change

The  congressionally mandated report on climate change the Fifth Climate Assessment was released today. While the report found that the uSa continues to make improvements in slowing climate change, but not fast enough. Here are some of the findings of the report.

--Extreme cold events are decreasing while extreme heat events are rising.

--Climate change is exacerbating inequities.

--Water safety is increasingly becoming a concern. Inland flooding, drought and sea level rises are reducing the amount of potable water.

--Food disruptions will continue to increase because of  flooding, droughts and other factors.

--Climate change is making life difficult in certain places. The report singled out California (wildfires), Florida (sea level rise) and Texas (flooding) forecasting they will see large displacements of people.

--Rising global emissions are driving globalwarming, with faster warming in the US.

--Climate change will slow the economy, climate actions will present opportunities.

To Read the Report The Fifth Climate Assessment.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

I went back to Delaware County with my friend Peter to try and find the stone columns I found last April.Here is the first in a series of write-ups on that visit, Unfortunately when we went back in late June we got lost and could not find the stone columns and had to bushwhack through some very overgrown area

We were very fortunate grateful this time to find the stone columns, having lots of leaves having fallen to the ground helped. Below is a YouTube video of that visit. I hope to get back in the next few weeks for a followup of some of the things we found.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Underestimating Climate Change

For years I have been saying that we are underestimating the affects of Climate Change. Here are a few of my posts over the years, We Continue to Underestimate the Magnitude of Our Climate Crisis--Glaciers.  Report--Climate Change much Worse, Report Released on Black Friday to try and Bury the Bad News. Then recently I ran across a report by two Oregon State researchers saying that indeed we have been underestimating the affects of Climate Change.

Basically, Climate Change is creating feedback loops, hereto unrecognized, that are amplifying the affects of Climate Change.

An international collaboration led by Oregon State University scientists has identified 27 global warming accelerators known as amplifying feedback loops, including some that the researchers say may not be fully accounted for in climate models...

In climate science, amplifying feedback loops are situations where a climate-caused alteration can trigger a process that causes even more warming, which in turn intensifies the alteration. An example would be warming in the Arctic, leading to melting sea ice, which results in further warming because sea water absorbs rather than reflects solar radiation. Science Daily

Click to read the Full Report. Many risky feedback loops amplify the need for climate action

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Ludlow Creek Survey

A few weeks back I revisited Ldulow Creek. I was there last MayLudlow Creek NYS DEC Forest, Chenango County, NY Survey, Part 1 Below is a video of our recent survey.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Busy Season, Ancient Ruins Reveal Something Special


With the leaves falling and frost killing the ground cover, my busy season of scouring the land looking for stone structures has begun and will not end until early May. I am writing asking for suggestions,  places I should investigate on public grounds in the northeast that contain stone structures. Please post a picture and location and if I decide to investigate I will invite you along. I can dowse the picture to determine if it merits study.

It does not have to be pristine or an extravagant location with lots of stone structures. Rather the simplest, the dilapidated, barely noticeable places that often contain the most remarkable things such as Earth Magic in the form of Energy Vortices, Blind Springs… Below is a  a video of a survey I did with Peter Shell this past week. It shows what is posible. While the place had some large stone structures most of it had been  buried with Earth over the eons. But it contained an Energy Vortex, Blind Spring and even a Thin Veil that brought a remarkable encounter with the Other Side.

Thank you for your time.



Sunday, October 15, 2023

Carl Jung's 'Mind and Earth on Land Memories

 Carl Jung has been a source of knowledge and also cover to me. I say cover because he gives credibity to my work. No where is this more evident than in his 'Mind and Earth,' where he talks about the ability of the land/Earth to shape us. I have quoted that work on numerous occasions. I just put out a video that talks about it, which you can access below.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Positive and Negative

Human intention can have a powerful effect on our Mother, stone structures and more. They can either enhance Her, or diminish, or even harm, Her. I call the the thoughts we have, the actions we perform, at a particular location  Imprints, or Land Memories. You know them as the vibe at a particular location.

Imprints are a reflection of intention--were they loving, giving or healing intentions? Or were they they violent and selfish thoughts and actions. It is crazy and hard to believe that the morality of our intentions determines how they influence our Mother, or stone structures--but they do.

In the video below I explain the difference between positive and negative Imprints.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Thirty Organizations Join France IN Requesting the EU Ban the iPhone 12

Back on September 13th I wrote that France banned the iPhone 12Apple iPhone 12 banned in France--High Radiation Level. In the last few days over thirty organizations joined France and requested the iPhone 12 be banned in Europe.

Several organizations claimed that Apple knew that RF radiation (Radio Frequency--Microwave Radiation) emitted by the iPhone 12 exceeded stated levels. Per the Defender,

Phonegate and its fellow signatories, including the European Cancer and Environmental Research Institute and the California Brain Tumor Association, in an Oct. 3 press release alleged that Apple for over three years has “knowingly deceived” owners of the iPhone 12 (model A2403) regarding the “true levels” of RF radiation exposure and the “possible health risks incurred” when the device is in close contact with the body.

The roughly 90 million European users of the iPhone 12 are considering a class action lawsuit against Apple, according to Phonegate and its fellow signatories.

Dr. Marc Arazi, Phonegate’s founder and president, said in the press release:

“This will also be an opportunity to take action against the manufacturers of the 42 other mobile phone models … that have been implicated since 2018, including Samsung, Nokia, Xiaomi, Huawei, Motorola, Sony, Orange, etc.”

The iPhone 12 is one of 43 cellphone models that have either been withdrawn from the French market for posing health risks to users or had their Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) updated by software to reduce the amount of RF radiation emitted by the phone.

To read the full article.     30 Groups Call on EU Regulators to Ban Sales of iPhone 12 That Failed Safety Test

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Imprints (land Memories) What They are and Why they Matter--Video

I posted a video on Imprints, or Land Memories, explaining what they are and why they matter. Imprints are critical in my work as an Earth Healer and Geomancer. A space, or a stone stone structure often needs positive intention/prayer (imprint) to invigorate it and give it alive. Conversely bad behavior, selfishness or violence, will harm a space.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Swiss Glaciers Lose 10% of Their Volume in Two Years

Reuters reported that Switzerland's glaciers have declined by 10% over the last two years. The hot summers and lack of snow fall this past winter  contributed to the decline. To put the decline in perspective the loss amounts to the volume lost between 1960 to 1990. To read the report, Swiss glaciers lose 10% of volume in worst two years on record

Climate Change is accelerating and our Environmental Crisis is off the rails.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Salination of Costal Estuaries and Climate Migration

For years I have been talking about how climate change--rising temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing wildfires, increasing severity and frequency of tornadoes/hurricanes, salination of fresh water estuaries. etc---Will drive people north and away from coastal regions.Climate Change is Driving Migration North In recent days it was reported that New Orleans, a major coastal city  in the south, may run out of fresh drinking, potable, water.

This summer's heat wave has helped to dry out the Mississippi River reducing its water flow. A weakened  outflow from the Mississippi means less force to combat the inflow of saltwater. It is expected that in October New Orleans will not have fresh water to drink.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Survey of Stone Structures at The Stone Quarry in Norwich, NY

This past week I went to the Stone Quarry in Norwich New York for a survey of stone structures. I was last there in 2017,Manitou Stone at Norwich's Mt. Hope Cemetery

I found several Platform Stones and Manitou Stones, no Stone Mounds or Menhirs. Below is a video of my survey.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Triangle of Stone Marking Ley Lines

 I posted  a YouTube short video, trianlge of stones marking ley lines (see below). I first found this formation in 2015 at the Keepers Area of High Tor,and posted about it,

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Apple iPhone 12 banned in France--High Radiation Level

 Today France banned iPhone sales because it emitted radiation beyond legal exposure limits. Apple claimed the iPhone was safe to use.

Very unusual to see a government that does not tow the cell phone industries' narrative. Well Done France!

As I have noted for years cell phones are bad for us and Mother Earth.

Reuters News on the Ban.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Video Land Memories can Catapult Your Spiritual Development.

I visited HIgh Tor this past Labor Day weekend and shot a few YouTube Shorts.

The one below is of a large stone mound in the Keepers Area that has been disfigured badly over the years. The Land Memories still remain strong.

Clarks Gully Blog (dedicated to High Tor)

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Talk Saturday September 16, 2023 Long Branch Park Onondaga Lake


I will be speaking at the 2023 Autumn Equinox Festival | Pagan Pride Day at 12 noon on September 16,2023 on Creating and Using Sacred Space. This is a well attended and fun event. Free Admission. Please bring a food donation.

If you are coming, please consider:

1)Long Branch Park is close to the Peacemaker's Sanctuary. So if you are driving a distance you have a chance to visit this sacred space.

2) After my talk I will gladly help with learning to dowse for a Ley Line, An Energy Line and a Water Vein.

I Hope to see you there.


2023 Autumn Equinox Festival | Pagan Pride Day

September 16, 2023

Long Branch Park, Onondaga Lake Park

Sacred Space—Creating, Using and Benefitting From It w/ Madis Senner--12 Noon.

Creating sacred space and stone structures dates back to the Neolithic Period. This workshop will give you an Earth Healer’s perspective on how to create sacred space, why you want to create sacred space, the benefits it can provide and more. You will also learn about the benefits of visiting a sacred space full of Earth Magic (Energy Vortices, Geospirals…)such as the Peacemaker’s Sanctuary at Onondaga

Madis Senner, is an Earth Healer and Keeper (one who watches over and maintains a sacred space). He has been working with stones to create stone structures (circles, monuments…) to enhance and heal our Mother for over two decades. He has authored five books (Sacred Sites in North Star Country, Vortices and Spirals….) and written for Wisdom and Sedona Journal of Emergence. He freelances for Life in the Finger Lakes. He is a dowser and operates a business earthwaterdowsing to find water, survey for stone structures, and create sacred space.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Mother Earth's Hidden Body--The Duct Processing the Life/Earth Forces Video

Learn about Mother Earth's Hidden Body.

I have posted a video on the duct that processes the Life and Earth Forces that sustain all of life, without which we would cease to exist. Energy Healers work with the Life Force. See link below.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

We are Draining Our Aquifiers Dry in America

 NY Times ran a great story a few days ago about how we are drawing our fresh water aquifers dry.  America Is Using Up Its Groundwater Like There’s No Tomorrow.

We are draining water faster than nature can replenish it. Four out of every ten sites investigated by the Times have been at record low levels in the past decade.

Sections of Kansas, part of America's bread basket, can no longer support industrial scale farming.

So much water has been pumped out in sections of Texas, Utah and California that roads are buckling.

Global warming  is accelerating the depletion as snow packs are smaller.

As a aquifer is depleted it can crater, or cave in, because it has been emptied.

"It adds up to what might be called a climate trap. As rising temperatures shrink rivers in much of the country, farmers and towns have an incentive to pump more groundwater to make up the difference.

Experts call that a self-defeating strategy. By draining aquifers that filled up over thousands or millions of years, regions risk losing access to that water in the future when they might need it even more, as climate change makes rainfall less predictable or droughts more severe.

“From an objective standpoint, this is a crisis,” said Warigia Bowman, a law professor and water expert at the University of Tulsa. “There will be parts of the U.S. that run out of drinking water.”

As farmers ran out of water, they increasingly switched to what’s called dryland farming, relying on rain alone.

That change is reflected in corn yields over time. Last year, corn growers nationwide produced an average of 173 bushels per acre. But for Wichita County, the yield was just 70.6 bushels, the lowest in more than six decades. The same is true for neighboring counties, whose yields have fallen to where they were in the 1960s.

Kansas has no mechanism in place to stop its groundwater decline.

The Kansas Geological Survey produces what it calls a lifetime map for the Ogallala Aquifer within state borders. It shows that large areas already lack enough water for commercial agricultural irrigation.

In the parts of Western Kansas where the usable portions of the Ogallala are located, more than one-quarter of the aquifer is at what the survey calls “minimum threshold,” according to Brownie Wilson, water data manager with the Kansas Geological Survey. That means it’s not possible to extract 200 gallons per minute, a standard threshold for large-scale irrigation. Within 50 years, almost half of the aquifer in that area is expected to decline to minimum threshold.

Wichita County and neighboring counties have been one of the first areas in Kansas to get close to the bottom of the aquifer, Mr. Wilson said. But they won’t be the last. “Tomorrow is here today for them, in terms of reduced yields,” he said.

Some farmers say they can adapt, including Mr. Watt, who cited advances in plant genetics and also more efficient irrigation and better land management. Experts say farmers nationwide should make similar changes to ensure remaining groundwater is used as carefully as possible.

But those types of innovations will only work for so long, said Bill Golden, a professor of agricultural economics at Kansas State University. “The loss of water is going to outpace the gain of technology,” he said. “Eventually, we’re going to lose.”

Much more--Click on the link and read the article.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Dowsing Video Gives Tips and Exercises on Working With L-Rods

I just posted  a video on YouTube 'The Secrets to Working With Dowsing Rods that teaches how to use L-Rods. It also provides suggestions and exercises to become a better dowser. Below is a link.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Invention of the Clock Diconnected Us From Our Mother

 I was reading a book by Carl Frey, The Technology Trap, that gave a historical perspective on the development of technology and the challenges it presented. Frey along with his Oxford University colleague Michael Osborne predicted in 2013 that AI and robots could replace up to 47% of the USA labor market.

in the book Frey quotes American historian Lewis Mumford on how the invention of the clock was responsible for the development of the Industrial Revolution. For the first time the length of an hour was set, the day and work day could be divided because it was no longer dependent upon the sun.

How about how the clock disconnected us from our natural environment. While the sun is not part of Mother Earth, its cycles and rhythms greatly influence life on Earth. With the invention of the clock it was no longer necessary to be attuned to the sun to grasp  what part of the day it was.

The clock marked the acceleration of our disconnect from our Mother and her cycles and rhythms. We no longer needed to be aware of ou environment--instead we had the clock that would eventually become a new task master that allowed for industrialization.

The CLOCK helped separate us from our Mother.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Earth Magic I Work With

A few months ago I read a book that told how the magic Wicca works with only goes back a few hundred years and not the thousands some claim. This is not the case for the Earth Magic I work with--it dates back to the Neolithic Period; which began somewhere between 4500BC to 10,000BC and varied by regions.for example as late as 1492 in North America.

The start of agriculture is what distinguishes the Neolithic period from the Stone Age that was defined by hunter gatherers. The building of large megaliths and stone monuments also began during the Neolithic.

I felt it important to note this and because of this posted a YouTube video about it.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

New Film Highlights the Dangers of Wind Turbines

Fourteen years ago I did a YouTube Video on how wind turbines disrupt the flow of the Life Force and create negative energy vortices longer term.

Then today I read that Michael Shellenberger has a new documentary, 'Thrown to the Wind,' coming out about how offshore wind turbines are killing whales. No surprise here.

Whales dying off the coasts of NY, NJ and Mass has been reported for some time. However, environmentalists and industry advocates have been vociferously saying "NO" to the claim that offshore wind turbines are behind whale deaths. Let's hope that Shellenberger is able to break through and expose wind turbines for what they are.

When it comes to the environmental movement the medicine is often worse than the disease.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Ley Lines Vs. Energy Lines

In a continuing effort to educate about our Mother's Hidden Body I just posted a YouTube  Video explaining  what Ley Lines and Energy Lines are, and how they are different.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Fields of Consciousness, Where Ley Line Originate From--VIDEO

 I have posted a YouTube video, Fields of Consciousness, Where Ley Line Originate From.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Climate Change and Climate Migration

 I have been working on an article about climate migration, which is inevitable. However, what I find very concerning is the attitude and perspective of the writer's and prognosticators whose work I have been reading as I research the topic.

Many continue to believe that we can do with Mother Earth as we wish, as we have been doing for thousands of years. . In other words, there appears to be very little change in the believe the we can continue to do as we please; all we need to do is more judicious in our actions. Just figure out how many people can live in a certain location.

Very little, or no discussion,  about how we can best preserve and save our Mother. I would argue if we make our focus how we can best protect our Mother, we will in the process save ourselves.

I will post the article once published.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Cell Phone Task Forces Issues Policy Brief on Electrosmog

The Cellular Phone Task Force issued a policy brief that it did for the World Council For Health. Below is a summary of its main points. Electrosmog, is the same as electropollution, and describes the damaging affects of electrical devices--from cell phones, to radio and TV signals, to the dirty electricity created by your home wiring and more. You can access the full brief at Policy Brief on Electrosmog.

Policy Brief on Electrosmog

Key Points

1) The study of electricity should be restored to biology and medicine.

2) Personal wireless communication must be phased out because the radiation that carries all the messages is destroying life on earth.

3) Mobile phones must be replaced with landline phones, WiFi with ethernet cables, and other wireless consumer devices with devices connected by wires and cables.

4) Mobile phone antennas and masts must be phased out and removed.

5) Wireless technology must be removed from vehicles.

6) Smart meters must be replaced with analog meters.

7) Smart highways, smart cities, and the Internet of Things must cease being developed and deployed.

8) Radar stations must be limited in number, location and power.

9) Radar (microwave) ovens should not be used for heating food.

10) An international treaty on electrosmog, addressing radiation on land, in the oceans, and in space, must be drafted.

Click to read the rest of the report.

Monday, July 24, 2023

I have posted a video on a thin veil--what it is, how it forms, the benefits it provides and more.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Swami Vivekananda's Cottage in the Thousand Islands is Open

 Swami Vivekananda's Cottage in the Thousand Islands is open and will remain open until August 18th. Daily hours of operation will be 10AM to noon and 4PM to 6 PM. There will be a group prayer  and meditation during the afternoon session.

From July 26 8PM to July 29 Noon  Swami Yuktatmananda will hold a retreat and meditation.

The cottage is   is a must visit for anyone interested in Hinduism and its vedanta, yoga and meditation. It is only opened briefly in the summer and  provides for a lovely day visit. 

 the cottage is ocated in  Thousand Islands Park on Wellesley Island in the  Thousands Islands, which  is spectacularly beautiful.

The room upstairs where the Swami stayed while he was there for 8 weeks in 1895 (he lectured and taught on Vedanta) has a powerful vortex; one that put me instantly in the balcony a few years ago. Very, very strong. You definitely need to meditate in the room--the vortex is located in the center of the room. Try to visit later in the season and during a weekday to have less people around to better experience this divine space.

The house and the immediate area rests on Fields of Consciousness. There is another vortex in the rocks behind the house. Meditating on the rocks in front of, or behind the house would be a good thing to do.

Make sure to visit the rock/tree in the back (it is a short 5 minute walk) where Swami Vivekananda achieved the highest state of Samadhi. 

It said that on his last day August 7, 1895 at the Thousand Islands the Swami went into the back woods to meditate and froze solid in meditation and remained oblivious to torrential rain and is said to have achieved nirvikalpa Samadhi. (Page 104) A rare accomplishment.

“He had a unique experience of inner freedom at the Thousand Islands Park which he expressed eloquently in his poem “The Song of Sannyasin”. He wrote from there to a friend:
“I am free, my bonds are cut, what do I care whether this body goes or does not go? I have a truth to teach—I am a child of God. And He that gave me truth will send me fellow workers from the earth’s bravest and best.” Page 105-106
Source Vivekananda a Biography (1953)
The tree has since died, but a new one has been planted and a memorial erected. It is a short walk to the back.

Further inquiries regarding the Center can be made by calling (212) 534-9445 between 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Saturday. You can email us at You can fax us at (212) 828-1618. The Center is located at 17 East 94th Street, New York, NY 10128.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Peacemalerr's Sanctuary Video

 I have posted a short YouTube video on the Peacemaker's Sanctuary--link below. The Peacemaker's Sanctuary offers a lot. It is a place to go to if you want help with a big decision you need to make, or need consoling because you are grieving, or...

It is also has the ability to give you a wonderful mystical experience.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Peacemaker's Sanctuary Has a Blog

After all these years I finally got around to creating a blog for the Peacemaker's Sanctuary at Onondaga Lake. It contains pertinent information such as directions, water leaves, How to Experience the Peacmaker's Sanctuary and more. I will post updates and announcements about events that will be held there; as well as, co-creations with our Mother found there such as Energy Vortices, eEopirals, Blind Springs, a Thin Veil and more.

This is an incredibly powerful place with powerful Fields of Consciousness, Energy Vortices, Geospirals, Blind Springs and more.

You can access the blog at:

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Hottest Day on Record

 Yesterday July 3, 2023 the world recorded the highest average temperature on record. Reuters reported,

The average global temperature reached 17.01 degrees Celsius (62.62 Fahrenheit), surpassing the August 2016 record of 16.92C (62.46F) as heatwaves sizzled around the world.

As noted in my previous post America's south, Texas in particular, has been sizzling. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

More Signs that the Northeast Needs to Prepare For an Influx of Climate Migrants

I have been saying for years that America's north and Canada is going to see an iinflux of burnt birds looking to escape the devastating affects of Climate Change in the South.

A heat dome over Texas is pushing feel like temperatures to 120° F in the state. The Dallas Morning News is claiming that Texas will be the hottest place in the world for the next few days. 

Other measures are not only saying living in America's south will be unbearable, but impossible. Home owner's insurance is spiking in certain parts of the south. One woman in St. Augustine, Florida got a bill for $36,000 for her historic home.

Add that some insurers such as Farmers are leaving Florida. Similarly we are seeing other insurers refusing to underwrite homes in Florida and other parts of the south and even southern California.This does not bode well for housing and life in Florida and parts of the south.

The Question I have? Where are all these climate migrants going to go? Add that our southern borders are bursting with climate migrants from Central and South America. We have dilemma.

The heat brought by climate change is challenging farmers. It is also raising the cost of farm insurance.

I could go on and on.

Climate Migration is a problem that has been simmering for years and is now accelerating. The lovely life many of us in upstate New York and in other parts of the North have enjoyed is about to come to a thunderous stop.

Be Well.


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Followup to See Delaware County's Stone Columns Leads to US Getting Lost

 I went back to Delaware County where I was back in April to do a survey with my friend Peter. See the video below. We found lots of stone structures, unfortunately we did not find the stone columns. The vegetation blocked our views.

We found lots of stonework; regrettably we found lots of decapitated stone columns that that had their topes removed. Sad.

WE also got lost and had to use our compass to get out. It was very tough going because we were forced to wake through heavy thickets laden with ferns, briars, small trees and more. Still it was a great day.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The Summer Solstice and Rooster Call energy

 In my latest YouTube video I talk about Rooster Call Energy, or Rooster Wakeup Call Energy, and its influence on me and how it peaks on the Summer Solstice.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Nothing Romantic About Indiana Jones and Archeaologists

The just released movie, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, brings back the popular fictional character Indiana Jones,  who teaches archaeology at Marshall College. In a way Indiana Jones romanticizes archaeology.  There is nothing romantic, or appealing, about the way archaeologists treat sacred sites. Archaeology flies in the face of everything I have learned and been taught about our relationship with Mother Earth over the last two decades plus.

We have a dynamic relationship with our Mother whereby our actions and intentions affect Her. When we love, give heal and act altruistically (positive) we enhance a space--make it so much more. Conversely, when we are violent, selfish or mean (negative) at a particular location we diminish and damage a space.

A space is a reflection of what was done, or thought, there over time. It is continually interacting to new inputs. A once very positive space can decline over time if it is treated poorly.

Digging, probing, rummaging through a sacred site, or blasting  it with LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging with lasers), all actions archaeologists routinely do, damages a space. The vibe is diminished; in the process any Earth Magic that has formed there, is attacked and begins to decline.

Imagine if you had a strong family bond and treated your ancestors with reverence. How would you feel if an archaeologists decided to do a dig at your family's cemetery? Would like them digging it all up to learn more about your relatives? Or to study older burial techniques? Would you like it if they did an autopsy or did DNA tests of a relative?

Earth Magic

There is a magic, an Earth Magic, that forms when we love, give, or  heal at a particular location.  Over time a powerful imprint, or land memory of what was done/thought, forms there. Over time the imprint can blossom into an Energy Vortex above ground and a Spiral/Geospiral below ground. 

An Energy Vortex can heal you, or nourish your soul, or even take you on a mystical journey--even a journey back in time where you connect with the memories of those that created the Energy Vortex. A Spiral/Geospiral is incredibly therapeutic and healing.

Over time,  if continually treated with reverence or good thoughts/actions,  the Earth may blossom even more--creating a Thin Veil. A Thin Veil has the curtain between the world we know and other realities thin making  travel to those other worlds more accessible, as well as communication with beings in those other worlds.

Destroying the Gifts Our Ancestors Left

Many of the sacred areas archeologist have excavated over the centuries, were at one time full of all sorts of Earth Magic--Energy Vortexes, Spirals/Geospirals, Thin Veils, and more. These precious gifts that were once there, were snuffed out by archaeologists.

Imagine being able to visit Stonehenge, or the pyramids at Giza, and connecting with those that built them along with their gifts/abilities.

So, when you see/hear  Indiana Jones glorified in the weeks ahead remember what he really represents.

Below is a YouTube video playlist on Energy Vortexes.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

North Star Country Video

 I finally got around to posting a YouTube video on my book Sacred Sites in North Star Country. It took only six years.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Sacred Sites Update-Gobind Sadan, Hastings, NY

This past weekend I did a follow-up visit to Gobind Sadan in Hastings, NY to my survey last August Sacred Sites Update--Gobind Sadan, Hastings NY. Unfortunately, nothing has changed--The once incredibly positive vibe is gone. Because of this I do not recommend visiting Gobind Sadan, a place I strongly advocated for in my book Sacred Sites in North Star Country: Places in Greater New York State (PA,OH,NJ,CT,MA,VT,ONT) That Changed the World.

A I noted in my last update much of the land has been clearcut-which has damaged the consciousness of the space. See picture below.

I believe a sacred space  "is all about the vibe," the interaction of human intentions/actions with Mother Earth. Positive loving actions lift up and improve a space, or an aspect of our Mother. Conversely, selfish or violent behavior harms a space and diminishes the influence of our Mother's Earth Energies and consciousness.

Clearcutting rapes the land and our Mother. It is a harmful and destructive force. It is a statement of how little you care about our Mother. It lessens and makes impotent aspects of our Mother, such as Her Earth Energies. It creates a bad vibe.

I had waited to see, if, hopefully, the affects of the assault (clear cutting) on our Mother at Gobind Sadan would have diminished over time. They have not and may even inicreased.

The Death of Energy Vortices.

An Energy Vortex is an incredible achievement and it marks the union of humankind and Mother Earth to co-create a new birth. It forms when we love give, heal, pray, meditate. It is a testament to the sacredness of a space. It is Earth Magic, A BLESSING, A GIFT.

Both of the Energy Vortices located on the site of the old temple have been snuffed out and are gone. In fact, the vibe where they were once located is no longer positive. It is still difficult for me to believe that such a turn of events could occur so rapidly, as it takes time and incredibly positive and loving intentions to form a positive Energy Vortex.

In the picture below the fence outlines the former temple. The chairs are located in the area of where an Energy Vortex once thrived.

The old temple was burned down in a hate crime in the immediate aftermath of 9-11. It is a remarkable story. While battling the blaze a fireman heard a voice tell him to immediately leave the second floor. Moments later it collapsed. I confirmed this story with a volunteer firemenan who worked with the fellow that was saved.

The sacred texts remained unscathed.

My friend Ralph Singh forgave the young adults that committed the crime and called for healing. He used this hateful incident  to bring the community together and teach. His kindness  and foregiveness was immortalized in the movie, North of 49.

Affiliations, People and More

A space is influenced by many things; its owners/members, the history of what transpired there, its affiliations and more. As I noted in my review last August I believe that other factors, besides clearcutting,  were also at work in diminishing the vibe. I said,

However, when I was there at the ceremony for remembrance     of the burning of the temple in November(2021) last year I noticed that the hall where the ceremony took place had a neutral vibe. I attributed it to  electronics such as  cell phones. However, it is now apparent that the passing of the Sikh mystic Babaji Virus Singh, the founder of Gobind Sadan, combined with a new board of directors, has had its effect. Space is a reflection of its owners, in this case members. So the decline began a while ago.

It can be hard to believe that the passing of spiritual leader and the diminished influence of his saint--like devotee and  a new board and change in intent/purpose could affect the vibe of a place-but it can.

Sadly, this notion of new leadership bringing about the decline may have an even greater influence, as I found the beginnings of what may metastasize into a negative Energy Vortex, in the area of the buildings. Because this area is located some distance from the clearcut area it means  other factors besides clearcutting were shaping the vibe. Note; a negative energy vortex is a destructive force that robs/drains you of energy and is harmful to your health and well-bing.

I told Ralph that I would gladly mark off the areas with Fields of Consciousness that should be treated with reverence, so that other areas could become hayfields. 

I am sorry to report such bad news.