Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence-Albany, NY

On the drive to Saratoga Springs(American Society of Dowsers Convention) I stopped by the Stephen and Harriet Myers residence in Albany.  The Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital District purchased the home in 1804 and has been working since then to restore it.

Stephen and Harriet Myers were abolitionists and stationmasters on the Underground Railroad whose Albany home served as a station stop. 

All the house sits on a Field of Consciousness (FOC.) The center of which is just to the right of the house as you face it. The vibe is neutral.

While historic homes are not the most conducive to meditating there is a large couch in the parlor room and I am told people often sit on it for extended periods to take in the home and its rich history.

As I have said many times before, one of the main themes of my work is that: great people and events are drawn to Fields of Consciousness and are influenced by them.

My backpack on the right marks the center of the Field of Consciousness.

Monday, June 20, 2016

American Society of Dowser Convention, Saratoga Springs, 2016

I spoke at the annual Dowsers convention this past weekend. Kudos to the committee for selecting Saratoga Springs as the host location. Donna Eden was a entertaining and informative and a great choice to be the keynote speaker.

My favorite worksop speaker was Ellen Kahmi, the Natural Nurse, who focuses on natural and holistic remedies. Her presentation was on our relationship with the plant kingdom It had a Secret Life of Plants focus.

She said that plants communicate with each other through their elaborate root system: both intra and inter species, that acts as a communication network. She said that our tree hugging and focus should be on the root system of plants. She referenced a great article about this, in the NYT
German Forest Ranger Finds That Trees Have Social Networks, Too

As usual there was a smattering of paranormal. For those that are interested in ghosts and the paranormal I suggest you read Richard Thompson’s Alien Identities: AncientInsights into Modern UFO Phenomena. The premise of the book is that what many consider aliens are beings living in other Planes of Existence. He cites many references in ancient Hindu texts and other sources talking about alien like beings and saucer shaped lights.

I agree with Thompson’s perspective. I cannot phantom an alien world such as depicted in Independence Day.  Primarily because I believe we are, “what we absorb. ”And because we are focused on the material world we are attracting and absorbing essences in the unseen world with very little soul nourishing and consciousness raising content. It has a high energy content, which helps us in the Physical Plane of Existence, but does little to evolve our soul. If alien beings are in the same realm as us, they are absorbing the same essences that we do; and because what they are absorbing consciousness raising nutrients, their focus would be on plunder, control, pillaging and violence—ultimately self destruction. So I believe a technology based society superior to us in another world would have self-destructed long ago.

There are Fields of Consciousness in Saratoga.  I had hoped to set up a display at the conference but the college squashed it.

A few people that attended my talk on Saturday joined me for some surveying and a group meditation  on a Field of Consciousness. Most everyone was able to dowse out the Ley/Spirit Lines coming out of an originator that pass over the Field.

The orange cushion marks the area of the Field.

The Field is located near the service entrance for Skidmore College. The service is located just north of the main Broadway Entrance. The Field is just north of the service entrance next to a reed bed. The group meditation and others meditating by themselves have raised the vibe.

If you live in or near Saratoga this would be a good place to meditate at. It contains consciousness raising nutrients, consciousness, that will help evolve your soul and in the process enhance your spiritual gifts to perceive other realms and their many inhabitants.
