Sunday, February 9, 2025

Science Creating New Low Flyingl Sattelites to Pollute Our Sky With Even More Electronics

 BBC ran a story, Sky skimmers: The race to fly satellites at the lowest orbits yet, about the race to fill the sky with even more satellites. Called Skimmers these satellites will fly closer to Earths atmosphere than any other satellite.

The article points out the abilities and risks these new low flying satellites  saying,

This new generation of orbiters could enable ultra-high-definition surveillance of activities on the ground, or superfast satellite-based communications.

What is not mentioned is that our crowded sky will become even more crowded. Nor does it talk about the dangers posed by the electroplllution created by Skimmers and the damage they will do to an already weakening geomagnetic field.

Our assault on Mother Earth with technology and science gets increasingly more egregious. Sad.

Monday, February 3, 2025

The Extent of Ocean's Warming Has Been Underestimated

 There have been two Climate Change impacts I have been talking about on this blog for years. One is that we have been underestimating Climate Change (

and that there is a multiplier affect, where the components--rising temperature, air pollution....--interact with each other and magnify their affects.

It seems like less than a year ago it was reported we have been underestimating  rising water temperatures. Well this past week it happened again. An Environmental Research Letters Study found

--Ocean warming 4 times faster than in 1980s — and will likely  accelerate in coming decades.

-- The acceleration in ocean warming is due to climate change and the Earth taking in more energy than it's emitting. 

--the warming ocean trend has picked up in the last 15 years because Earth is absorbing more sunlight as well as heat trapped by greenhouse gases.