Monday, June 14, 2021

Electricity is Bad for Your Health—A Personal Story


I would like to share with you a personal story on how damaging electricity can be to your health. Last fall I began having an issue with insomnia where I would wakeup after four or five hours and would not be able to go back to sleep for an hour or more. The frequency of these occurrences increased over time and by this spring I was waking up almost every night and staying awake.


Then I read about how bad electricity was for your health. So I started to turn off my Internet router and modem every night before I went to sleep.


Bingo. For a week I slept soundly and did not wake up once in the middle of the night; or if I did wake up I was able to fall back asleep.


I also stopped hiking at Clarks Reservation close to my home that I had been going to for well over a decade.  A place I would go to several times a week because it’s less than ten minutes from my home and I could let my dogs off the leash and let them run in the woods. But I had to walk six to eight minutes under high power lines to get into the woods. Once I stopped going to Clarks Reservation I found that I had almost no pain in my joints after my walks/hikes.

Since this spring I have had some setbacks with my sleeping, but have learned that they are associated with too much screen time or other activities. Because of this I have increased the use of hardcopy for my editing and have undertaken other measures.


The Books I read

The primary book that influenced me was

 The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg a well researched and thorughtuout book.

I also looked at EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself by Dr. Joseph Merola


Arthur Firstenberg the author of The Invisible Rainbow is electro-sensitive and suffers pain and other symptoms when he is close to electricity. The arguments in his books are compelling. Using historical data back to the late nineteenth century when electricity first became available he shows how the electrification of communities and countries coincided with spikes in diseases.


For example, there was very little heart disease in the rural areas of southern states in the 1930’s. The TVA brought electricity to select areas and the rate of heart disease took off and continues growing. 


Did you know that heart disease was ranked the 25th cause of death before the advent of electricity. Today it is #1.


One could argue that life style and dietary changes were the major contributor to illness in the post WWII period, but Firstenberg’s charts and numbers show electricity as being the root cause are incredibly compelling.


Which diseases?


Just about every disease may in some way trace back to electricity because electricity messes with your cells and can wreak havoc in a variety of ways. Everything from anxiety, to heart disease, to arthritis, to cancer, diabetes, influenza….much more…


It seems bizarre to think that influenza could be caused by electricity since we are taught that we catch it from other people. Firstenberg points out that there have been no verifiable cases of transmission of influenza between people ever found. Wow.


Instead, he notes that the first big contagion of influenza was in 1889, a time when telegraph poles were becoming common and the electrical wars to determine whether AC (Alternating Current) or DC (Direct Current) was to be the industry standard was in pitch battle.  Edison and Westinghouse were dueling to see who could hoist up more electrical poles on America’s city streets. 


He further points out that influenza is tied to the solar cycle and surges during peak sunspot activity. ( See Is sunspot activity a factor in influenza pandemics? - PubMed › ...) In other words, sunspots make us vulnerable to influenza because it disrupts our biofield, or Energy Body. Think how Energy Healing works to heal us by working with our biofield. Electricity creates a geomagnetic field  that disrupts our Energy Body the same way as sunspots do; hence we are vulnerable to getting influenza. His book includes so many other hard to believe but true information.


Consider Diabetes, it supposedly comes from eating too much sugar. Take a look at the graph below from The Invisible Rainbow that shows how cases of diabetes began spiking and went parabolic in the late 1990s in America at the exact time cell phone ownership was beginning to catch fire.

To further show that cell phones were behind the surge in diabetes Firstenberg provides research showing the diabetes is a fat metabolizing disease—not a sugar metabolizing disease. As mentioned earlier electricity messes with your cells.

The graph above showing the increases in diabetes is the crux of Firstenberg's argument. Do you believe that it shows a causal relationship in that the surge in diabetes occurred because of an event such as the introduction fo cell phones or do you need verfiable testing? This is the core of Firstenberg's proof, it is also where critics have chosen to attack him. Personally, I think his argument and proof is incredibly compelling.


The fact is that electricity also screws up the electron transfer process of our cells and makes us deficient an electron among other things. Which means we are missing an electron, which is the same problem behind inflammation. It is well known that inflammation is behind every disease because it causes your body to keep attacking itself. Which means that if you have something wrong with you there is a very good chance electricity is one of , if not the only culprit. 


Let me repeat, electricity contributes to inflammation in your body and inflammation has been shown to be behind just about every disease. There is more to the damages created by electricity. If you are unfamiliar with the relationship of disease and inflammation see Inflammation: The Secret Killer - Feb ... - TIME Magazine Cover › time › covers


Firstenberg tells that even obesity may be tied to electricity because it messes with your cells. So perhaps tossing your cell phone, less screen time, getting rid of some of your electrical devices….is the way to lose weight.


My favorite fact from the book was that the best way to get rid of a beehive was to put a cell phone in the hive for ten minutes because it will kill all the bees. Wow.  It blows my mind to think we are putting up 5G around the country and we are told safe it is….just like we were told how it was safe to use oxycoton for pain, or how safe smoking was, how….Worse we need bees to pollinate plants to keep our food supply safe.

If you go online you will see the bee claim strenuously questioned and refuted. However, there is lots of research out there telling us that indeed cell phones do kill bees. Here is some from Firstenberg's not-for-profit dedicated to educating about the dangers of electricity THE HONEY BEE'S PLEA - Cellular Phone Task Force › 2020/05 › T...


In his book Dr. Mercola compares the cell phone industry to the tobacco industry in the 1950’s, predicting it will take a few decades to pierce the industries media shield and show how very damaging EMF’s and cell phones are to life. He explains how the cell phone industry manipulates the public’s knowledge regarding the health dangers posed by cell phones. For example, research is based on short term usuage not the usual length of time people have conversations for. Not surprising  FCC (regulator for the cell phone industry) is considered to be held captive by the companies it regulates.


Mercola’s book is more of a manual and offers suggestions, as well as measures to take and devices to purchase to protect yourself. For example, he tells what devices to buy to protect yourself from your home’s dirty electricity. Which is the electromagnetic energy and other currents created by your home’s electrical system. The walls in your home are full of wires and outlets, there are also appliances and wires for electrical devices. These all create what is called dirty electricity and it is bad for you. Imagine the wall you are sleeping next to may be killing you.


I looked at some of the devices Dr. Mercola recommended to buy to protect yourself from dirty electricity but found conflicting reviews online. This may well be because people were measuring results with the wrong instruments. While I need to do more research, it did give me some pause.  I just wanted to make sure the devices he recommended worked well before dropping a few hundred dollars.


Mercola says to avoid smart devices with built in WiFi. He educates that our new light bulbs may be smart and energy efficient but they are bad for our health (as are fluorescent lights). He laments that he can no longer buy a simple old-fashioned incandescent light bulb.


There is so much more information in both of these incredible books. Your local library probably has copies so you may want to try there first.


For over a decade and a half on this blog and years before that I have been saying TECHNOLOGY KILLS. It really, really does!


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