We keep looking to science and technology to rescue us from our impending environmental crisis, when it was science and technology that created the crisis Ecofeminist Carolyn Merchant noted this in her classic The Death of Nature. that also showed how the assault on Nature/Mother Earth was tied to the assault on women.
Merchant said,
in investigating the roots our current environmental dilemma we must re-examine the formation of a world view and a science that, be reconceptualizing reality as a machine rather than.a living organism, sanctioned the domination of both Nature and women.
In other words, our Mother is a machine that we can tinker with as we please.
The idea of dominating Nature goes against everything I have been talking about on this blog since I began in 2007. Domination, abuse, control and the like are not the ways we should approach our Mother; they also bring about a horrific karma that we have been dealing with.
A wonder, a magic, an Earth Magic is created when we love, give, act altruistically, and/or we work with our Mother. A Magic that creates wonders such as Energy Vortices. A magic that is fostered by love and cooperation.
Unfortunately, we still don't get it and continue to give the keys to our future to science and technology. They created this mess, yet many believe that they can pilot us out of it.
One of the latest examples of our arrogance and belief that we can dominate and do with or Mother as we please, is Solar Geoengineering--creating a dark plume to blanket the Earth to block out the sun and prevent the Earth from heating up. The video below explains Solar Geoengineering.
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