Thursday, August 25, 2022

Murder Returns to the Same Location in my Eastwood Neighborhood in Syracuse

 One of the features of land, of a space or location, is that the same actions that occurred at a location tend to repeat themselves. That is because the land retains a memory that creates a karma that encourages more of the same.

Murders in the Eastwood section of Syracuse are rare. However this morning it was reported that two were shot and killed in the Aberdeen apartments on Aberdeen terrace and Burnet Ave. Six years ago another person was killed in the same apartment complex.

Interestingly, and sadly, another location in the Eastwood section had a repeat murder as I posted about in 2015. Place Matters—Murder returns to the same place in my hood (Eastwood)

Since I returned to live in my childhood home I know of any other murders in the Eastwood area where I live.

Land, space, a location, has a powerful influence upon us. Unfortunately we are clueless about this.


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