Sunday, September 4, 2022

Sacred Sites Update--Onondaga Lake, Peacemaker's Sanctuary

 I went to the Peacemaker's Sanctuary at Onondaga Lake today for some Keeper's Work--physical cleaning, spiritual cleaning and enhancing. I was surprised to find that parts of the area had soggy soil.

The good news was that the vibe  was still incredible--very positive to extremely positive. This is important because a positive vibe enhances the aspects of our Mother (Earth) found there, such Fields of Consciousness; Meaning it makes them much more potent.

The Energy Vortices were still intact. There are 4 Energies Vortexes located on the grounds; as well as numerous Blind Springs and Geospirals (the equivalent of Energy Vortex, only it is in the Earth below). SWEET!

People wax poetic about Energy Vortices, get excited about them, travel long distances to places like Sedona, Arizona to experience them. Well, we have 4 of them at the Peacemaker's Sanctuary. I know of no public area that has so many Energy Vortices in a confined space.

Below are some pictures I took today.

Some ducks swam by while I was there.

The area behind the far bench had been flatten earlier this year. I had thought it was rising water, but today I saw tire tracks and a passerby said that the county had drove over the area about a month ago.

If you want to experience an Energy Vortex, or a Geospiral, this is one of the best places to do so. It is also a great place to go if you need answers to a questions, want to go deep into trance during meditation, have a profound mystical experience,.... the powerful imprints found there will facilitate such experiences. The 4 Energy Vortices located here, are a testament to the power of the imprints, or land memories left behind by spiritual pilgrims that have visited.


C. Senbita said...


Can you share a bit, how you discovered the energy vortices?
Did you dowse for them?


madis senner said...

It was at a place hold very dear and have been a Keeper for over twenty years.I was directed, by my dowsing rods (L-Rods) to a formation I would later learn was an Entry Vortex. It took some time, but I eventually realized that they form in cooperation with Mother--tehy are co-creation with Mother Earth and humankind The Peacemaker's Sanctuary is probably one of the best places in the world to experience them. I have a book our Energy Vortices and Spirals that you can pick up at Amazon.