Monday, June 24, 2024

More Bad News on Climate Migration--Threshold for Human Heat Tolerance About to Be Lowered

A few days ago CBS reported  that the heat tolerance threshold for humans is much lower than believed; It is not the  95° plus 100% humidity that has been used for decades. Instead heat stress with high humidity begins to set in at  87°. They call it the wet bulb temperature. It was based upon research done by Penn State 

This change to lower the heat tolerance threshold has not taken effect yet, but when it does it will mean that all of our calculations for where it is safe or not safe to live, as well as climate migration and more will be changed. Meaning people will be abandoning the South sooner and migrating North. I believe upstate New York and America's north overall, will see a surge in climate migrants. 

The larger concern is that we continue to underestimate climate change because we did not totally understand it.

I have several posts on Climate Migrationeven wrote an article for the Life of Finger Lakes on  how people will begin to leave southern climes in favor of the north. It was a followup to at I did for them five years earlier.

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