Friday, July 26, 2024

Climate Migration--Florida Home Prices Plunge YOY While Prices Rise Elsewhere

For several years I have been advocating that climate migration will drive people from southern climes northward in the USA. Newsweek reported that 3 of 5 largest home price declines in the country were in metropolitan areas in Florida over the last year. Meaning people are beginning to realize that rising temperatures and rising sea levels  will increasingly make Florida uninhabitable. Citing ATOM sources Newsweek said,

The biggest year-over-year decrease in typical profit margins—which can be calculated as the percentage difference between median purchase and resale prices—was recorded by ATTOM in the metropolitan area of Hilo, Hawaii, where the homeowners' margin was down from 80.5 percent in the second quarter of 2023 to 45.3 percent in the second quarter of 2024.

It was followed by Port St. Lucie, Florida (down from 95 percent to 73.9 percent); Daphne-Fairhope, Alabama (down from 49.8 percent to 34 percent); Crestview-Fort Walton Beach, Florida (down from 60.7 percent to 45.1 percent); and Naples, Florida (down from 84.9 percent to 69.2 percent).

 This does not portend well for  Florida.

Meanwhile my hometown of Syracuse was mentioned as being one of the fastest rising areas.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Warmest Day on Record this Past Monday (7/22/24)--Broke Sunday's Record

Global temperatures continue  to rise and break records. According to the Copernicus Climate Change Service

The Earth has just experienced its warmest day in recent history, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) data. On 22 July 2024*, the daily global average temperature reached a new record high in the ERA5 dataset**, at 17.15°C. This exceeds the previous records of 17.09°C, set just one day before on 21 July 2024, and 17.08°C, set a year earlier on 6 July 2023.

Based on preliminary data released by C3S on 24 July, Monday 22 July was the hottest day in the ERA5 dataset, which begins in 1940.

What really stands out is also the difference between the temperatures since July 2023 and all previous years.

While temperatures have been rising for some time, what is surprising is how dramatic the rise was in comparison. Which makes one wonder, are temperature rises beginning to accelerate?

And if temperature rises are beginning to accelerate what does is it say--has our response been too weak or inadequate?, or is our response and solution totally wrong?

The agency notes that it is too early to predict whether 2024 will be the hottest year on record, particularly  since the last four months of 2023 were exceptionally warm, but...

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Swami Vivekananda'sThousand Islands Cottage to Open July 10 to August 16

Swami Vivekananda's Thousand Islands Cottage will open July 10 until August 16, 2024. Hours of operation to view the cottage will be 10AM to 12 noon and 4PM to 6PM daily. It appears there will be a satsang and group meditation in the afternoon. Historically the grounds have been open to visitors even if the cottage is closed.

A seminar will be held beginning Wednesday July 24, 8PM until Saturday July 27.

Here is a link to the press release.

It was on the grounds of the cottage the great sage Swami Vivekananda achieved the highest state of Samadhi, Nirvikalpa Samadhi. He credits the grounds of the cottage on Wellsley Island in the Thousand Islands for giving him a unique sense of inner freedom and helping him break free.The cottage and its grounds are listed in my book Sacred Sites in North Star for the Fields of Consciousness and numerous Energies Vortices found there.

I have several write ups on the cottage on my blog that can be accessed at: Swami vivekananda cottage

Friday, July 5, 2024

Talk on Earth Magic Saturday September 21, 2024

I will be speaking at the CNY Pagan Pride day gathering, Autumnal Equinox Festival, at Long Branch Park on Onondaga Lake on Saturday September 21, 2024. Time to be determined. My talk is titled "Earth Magic." Attendance is free, the only request is that you bring a food donation.

Dowsing Instruction Afterwards. Like last year I will be providing some basic dowsing instructions to help people find Earth Energies after my talk. We will be working with L-Rods and I will be helping people find a water vein, an Energy Line and a Ley Line. Many dowsers are rusty, or are self-taught and were never shown the basic features of Mother Earth--this will give you a chance to fine tune your skills.

All you need to have are the basic rudimentary skills of working with L-Rods.

I look forward to seeing you. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Separating Your Consciousness From Your Body

One of the great challenges a spiritual seeker will one day face is being able to separate their consciousness from their body in order to achieve the highest meditative states. Being able to separate your consciousness from your body can also be a great tool for a geomancer and dowser to use in applying their craft. 

The challenge in separating your consciousness from your body is that we associate our body with our being, who we are. It is not. 

Years ago when I was writing Sacred Sites in North Star Country I had to find Fields of Consciousness (where Ley Lines originate from) in America's northeast and southern Ontario, Canada. I did not have the time or wherewithal, to drive the backroads of such a large area. Instead I developed an alternative technique dowsing technique that relied on my ability to separate my consciousness from my body. I would look at a map and visualize myself being at a certain local. Holding my L-rods in my hand I would imagine my self walking at that specific location.

Below is a video I put together explaining how to learn this technique. 

For the spiritual seeker learning the basic dowsing technique of finding a water vein (underground stream) will provide you with enough dowsing ability to learn this technique. More importantly learning this exercise will be a great way to develop the ability to separate your consciousness from your body; as well as a way to test whether you can.

I encourage everyone to try and learn this technique. The video includes several exercises.