Thursday, October 17, 2019

Grafton NYS Park, Hennig Preserve Surveys Part 1

I had a chance this Columbus/Indigenous Day to survey the stone structures at Grafton New York State Park in Grafton, NY and Hennig Preserve in Middle Grove, NY. Both places are located in the greater Capital District of NY.

We found several stone mounds/structures on earth and energy formations, some in a manner we have not found, or noticed, before. It was a great learning experience. Grafton had a very sweet area with a great vibe, Fields of Consciousness and a lot more. Hennig displayed different ways to mark features in ways we had not seen before.

I had a chance to finally connect with Lorna Reichel who is an Energy Wellness consultant who works with subtle energies. She brought along her magnometer and other energy measuring devices to measure the strength of the earth energies. For some time I have been wanting to get her input on the stone structures that I find in the woods.

Lorna taking a reading.
All in all it was an informative and great day.

Here is an overview of the survey. Each section will have a link to click on to continue.

Grafton NYS Park, Hennig Preserve Surveys Part 2 Grafton

Grafton NYS Park, Hennig Preserve Surveys Part 3 Grafton--The Sweet Area

Grafton NYS Park, Hennig Preserve Surveys Part 4 Grafton--The Sweet Area Continued

Grafton NYS Park, Hennig Preserve Surveys Part 5 Hennig Preserve

Grafton NYS Park, Hennig Preserve Surveys Part 6 Hennig Preserve Continued

The Pyramid. Craig Wright showed us what he called the pyramid at Hennig Preserve, so called because of its triangular pyramid like shape.. More about it when I discuss Hennig.

PS To see other survey click on Survey in the "Labels" section below, or on the upper right hand side.

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