While working on my next book on how the environmental is a crisis of heart I was presented with a question. Are the Schumann Resonance and the Life Force the same thing?
The Life Force nourishes and sustains all of creation and is what energy healers work with and infuse you with when they do a healing. The Schumann Resonance has been called Mother Earth's heartbeat. We know NASA had to create an artificial Schumann Resonance creating device to keep astronauts safe, but not much else.
The only reason I thought they might be the same thing is because John Burke in his book Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty noted that he got his highest magnometer energy reading at Serpent Mound (Peebles Ohio, the world's largest effigy mound in the shape of snake) immediately after a thunderstorm.
Okay, so what?
First, Serpent Mound is located over numerous Earth Chakras. Each curve in the serpent marks one or two Earth Chakras. Earth Chakras regulate the Life Force by pulling it across the surface of the earth. (See my Serpent Mound (Ohio, Pennsylvania) Trip and Survey; Part 2)
Second, it is the Schumann Resonace exists in the cavity bwetween the earth and the clouds above. It is fueled by lightning strikes hitting the ground.
So if Serpent Mound has a lot of Earth Chakras it obviously plays an important role in the regulation of the Life Force. And if it gets juiced up after a thunderstorm and we are taught that the Shucmann Resonance is fueled by lightning strikes one would assume that they might be the same thing.
Initially, at least I thought they might be the same thing.
They are not.
First, none of the current geomagnetic measuring devices in existence today can distinguish the difference between various Earth Energies. It is all the same. So we really don't know what Burke was measuring--only a surge in the geomagnetic field. In other words, there could have been no increase in the Life Force, only a surge in the Shumann Resonance that Burke's device was measuring.
Secondly, It is highly likely that the the Life Force and the Schumann Resonance are connected to each because they are part of larger earth grid. As such if one is charged up it may affect the other. For the last two years I have been attempting to dowse out these energies and try to ascertain how they operate, as well as determine if they are linked.
Thirdly, while science tells us that Schumann Resonance exists in the atmosphere, at the same time lighting strikes are fueling something else in the earth that has a counterpoint in the air--just like the appratii regulating the Life Force.. (See my Putnam County, NY Survey- Part 4--A Strike Point.) Are they the same thing as the Schumann Resonance, related, or totally different?
Fourthly, last week I was blessed to have been able to dowse out the apparatus responsible for regulating whatever energy/force/ essence that lightning strikes create when they strike the ground. And I believe I was able to trace out its movement in the air with my dowsing rods--its directional flow was different to that of the Life Force. No doubt many such readings must take place to make sure I am correct.
So yes there is a difference between the Schumann Resonance and the Life Force.
What is interesting is that the formations I found this past week were shown to me back in the summers of 2007-2009 and at the time I had no idea what they were or what they did. I could dowse out their form but had no idea of their function. At least now I am a few steps closer. To say I was happy to be able to dowse out, for now at least, what I think is the apparatus regulating the movement of energy created by lighting strikes is an understatement. I truly feel blessed.
Geomancy Rocks.
thanks God.
PS I better step on it and not spend another 12-15 years trying to map out more of our Mother's cosmology and architecture. I'm getting older.