Sunday, March 1, 2020

Pyramids at Giza Egypt Can Channel Electromagnetic Energies--Were They Built to Tap Into Them

For years I have been a proponent that many of the sacred stone structures around the world were constructed to tap into Earth Energies and work with Mother Earth--to enhance Her, or to better be able to experience Her. This goes against conventional thinking which is that they were built for astronomical purposes to view the stars and planets; what is called archaeoastronomy. 

A research report I came across recently (thanks to Jan Woodworth) helps substantiate my thesis that many stone structures have an Earth Energies focus, Study reveals the Great Pyramid of Giza can focus electromagnetic energy. They study concluded that,
An international research group has applied methods of theoretical physics to investigate the electromagnetic response of the Great Pyramid to radio waves. Scientists predicted that under resonance conditions, the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers and under the base. The research group plans to use these theoretical results to design nanoparticles capable of reproducing similar effects in the optical range. Such nanoparticles may be used, for example, to develop sensors and highly efficient solar cells...Calculations showed that in the resonant state, the pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in the its internal chambers as well as under its base, where the third unfinished chamber is located.
This adds to the work of others such as John Burke and Kaj Halberg who traveled the world and visited many stone structures with their magnometers and tested them for electromagnetism. They consistently found higher readings around the stone structures. They catalogued their trip and its findings in their book Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty. Well worth a read. 

The idea that archaeoastronomy continues  to be  held in such high esteem given the work of Burke and others is not surprising. People tend to see the world through the lens of our conventional norms and their respective training. And because we live in the Scientific Age this means the lens of the material world. Sadly many people into stone structures, sacred sites and the like are not geomancers or dowsers; consequently they have little intuitive ability or  possess spiritual gifts. So they see and analyze things based upon what they can see and touch.

The challenges to conventional  archaeological thinking are all too apparent. As Graham Hancock and others have pointed out, civilization is much older than archaeologists think.  As I have been  researching and writing my next book The Environmental Crisis is a Crisis of Our Hearts I have come to learn that the Neolithic period (from 10,000 BC to about 1,500 BC and varies dramatically upon location) was the time of  the  Goddess. A time of matrilineal societies, a focus on Nature and communal life. Many stone structures such as  Stonehenge were constructed during the Neolithic period.

The idea of a matrilineal society flies in the face of conventional archaeological thinking. It also challenges and is a threat to our patriarchal society as expressed in science and organized religion. But there was a time when women and Nature were held in esteem.

I mention this because this because I want people to reexamine archaeoastronomy and see it in a different light. No doubt people did look to the sky and some stone structures were built to align with the celestial sky, but it is a pittance compared to those aligned to tap into and work with Earth Energies and our Mother.

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