There was a large stone wall that straddled the creek not far from the stone mounds. I would have paid no attention to it, but it was so large.
It did not appear to be marking a dragon line as is the case often for such large stone walls.
A Field Of Consciousness
There was a Field of Consciousness(FOC) on the other side of the creek. The vibe around it was positive. But getting to it was another thing. The area along the road that I had to walk through to get to the FOC had a horrendous vibe; and when you walk through a horrific place like that it taints you, and because of this my sentience diminished of our Mother significantly.
In the picture above Jaeda Bear is located on one of the high points of the FOC--an S8, where eight FOC are located on top of each other.
All in all it was a great day to be in the woods on a hot spring day.
Back to Part 1.
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