Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Florida's Housing Boom is Becoming a Bust as People Are Fleeing the State

 Below is a link to a Breaking Points' video on how the Florida's housing boom is unraveling and people are leaving the state. The report noted that;

--There's a dearth of buyers, with several listings on the market for some time have seen no lookers.

--Large institutions have turned to sellers.

--Insurance has jumped 400% in the last five years.

--Insurers have been leaving in droves.

--The Lender of Last Resort, or Support in this case, that is meant to support the Florida home owners insurance market is floundering and in trouble.

They paint a bleak picture, that has only been exasperated by two major hurricanes in the last few months.

I have been writing about climate migration, on how people will begin to leave southern climes in favor of the north. I even wrote an article  for the March/April issue  Life In the Finger Lakes. It was a followup to a blog post I did for them five years earlier.

I have several posts on Climate Migration 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Climate Change May Be Much Worse Than Forecast

 A recently developed analysis on Climate Change looking at several models outstanding  found that we might not be doing enough ro reduce carbon emissions and the temperature rise is going to be much higher than thought. Saying,

EPFL scientists developed a tool to evaluate climate models, revealing that some predict a much hotter future due to high carbon sensitivity, suggesting current emission reduction efforts may be inadequate.

For several years I have been saying that Climate Change is being underestimated and will be much worse than forecast. Here is recent post and summary, Underestimating Climate Change. As David Wallace Wells said in his book Uninhabitable Earth  five years ago, "no matter how well-informed you are, you are surely not alarmed enough..."

We are in deep S*#t and fail to recognize the severity of Climate Change.