Sunday, October 16, 2016

Omega's Spirit Keeper Site

It is written that thousands of earthen mounds dotted America's landscape before settlers came. Mavor and Dix in Manitou: The Sacred Landscape of New England's Native Civilization noted that there were tens of thousands of stone structures in New England when they wrote their book in the 1970's.

Yes, the landscape is dotted with stone structures as I have mentioned before. You just need to look, have some basic geomancy skills and with a little effort they will reveal themselves.

IN writing my book Sacred Sites in North Star Country I went and re-surveyed my listing of sacred sites. One of which is the world famous educational retreat center the Omega Institute. What I found there was pretty incredible.

While I say is was an incredible find--A Spirit Keepers Site--it looks rather nondescript and unless you knew what you were looking for you would ignore it. It is that plainness and uninspiring appearance that may explain why it survived.

The Spirit Keepers were an ancient indigenous culture that lived thousands of years ago. They took care of Fields of Consciousness (the place Ley lines emanate from) and I feel blessed whenever I find their footprints.

To assume the picture below of the the Omega Institute's property is a Spirit Keeper is a big leap. 

Why do I believe the three stones (2 marked by paper) above are part of a Spirit Keeper's structure? Location, location, location.

Fields of Consciousness have high points that often come in a series of 3. In the picture above the three stones embedded in the ground mark the three high points in the series. What are the chances of this occurring naturally?

This is a pattern I have seen at other Spirit Keeper sites; to mark the highpoint. I  imagine larger mounds were once on top of the stones and had been removed by farmers clearing fields and are now part of the many stonewalls in the area.

There were no other stones similarly embedded in the ground nearby.

The vibe was also positive, another positive indicator that good things went on there.

Learn dowsing and basic geomancy skills and get out in the woods and explore.

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