Saturday, December 21, 2019

Happy Winter Solstice

Today marks the turning of the year when the days begin to get longer. The past year and what it meant and how it defined you is behind you; a new year is here. 

It is time to celebrate and see the positive of increasing light as the cold, wind and snow gain strength.

The holidays will soon pass and the time of hibernation will be upon us. Make the most of this gift. See it as an opportunity to grow, to reflect and to make anew. Soon Spring will be here and it will be  time to plant those seeds of growth and change that you forged during your slumber..

For millennia people would celebrate the solstice and see it for the wonder that it is. Their thoughts, their actions and intentions are buried in the land and around us. A wonderful inheritance that we can tap into by celebrating the solstice.

Celebrate the solstice--get outside, give thanks, hug your Mother. Have a ceremony, say a prayer, burn a candle, light some incense.

We too were once connected to our Mother--to the land, the sea and air. Renew that spirit and tap into the wonder and joy of this day.


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