A mysterious crunch in Earth's magnetic field created a new type of aurora borealis.
Scientists said that it was the first time that they have seen an aurora caused by a compression. They noted that it was not caused by the sun.
The article noted that,
On the day of this particular aurora, a NASA satellite detected a huge compression in Earth's magnetosphere (the protective bubble that the magnetic field creates around the planet) at the moment the lights began spiraling.Scientists believe it may have been a magnetic storm at the periphery of the geomagnetic fields, but don''t know for sure why the compression happened.
Internal Factors ?
The article gave no consideration to internal factors within the the geomagnetic itself for being behind the compression. Instead the focus was on an exogenous shock. Consider- The geomagnetic field is weakening. Earth's Magnetic Field Is Weakening 10 Times Faster Now ...https://www.livescience.com › 46694-magnetic-field-weakens
- A rapid shift in the movement of the north pole to Siberia is accelerating baffling scientists and turning theory upside down.Earth's Magnetic Field Is Weakening 10 Times Faster Now ...https://www.livescience.com › 46694-magnetic-field-weakens
- We are microwaving our Mother to death with our telecommunications, electric power lines, cell phones, .... and in the process weakening the geomagnetic field. NASA claimed the magnetic shield is weakening at 5% per decade
- AS I have written about on several occasions human activity and intention are diminishing our Mother Grid.
- It is highly likely that climate change and other environmental degradations are creating a cascading phenomenon that we have no comprehension about.
Something very strange is afoot. The compression in the geomagnetic field is not a good omen. Unfortunately we have not idea of what it portends. Is a pole shift, possibly a physical shift coming? Will climate change and a weakening geomagnetic field create new unimaginable problems?....
Click on pole shift or below to read previous posts on a pole shit.
Below is a video from PBS Space time on the reversing of the Earth's Magnetic Polies.
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