Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Survey in Chenango County, NY--Part I

This past weekend I was hired to do a survey of a property and its stone structures in North Pharsalia, in Chenango County, in NY. There were a variety of stone structures and numerous Manitou Stones on the property.I told the property owner that the stone structures should be preserved. 

My map dowsing showed that there was a Field of Consciousness on the property near the road.  My dowsing on the property confirmed this. I did not take any pictures because it was in an area with covered with tall reeds.

We first noticed that parts of the land were charged when came upon an area with an earthen mound covering Earth Chakras, several large Manitou Stones and a platform stone. Below are pictures of  a few of the structures from that charged area.

Jaeda Bear standing in front of a large Manitou Stone.

Side angle of the same Manitou Stone.

A large Platform Stone

Jaeda Bear sitting next to a large fallen over Manitou Stone.

The next area we visited contained a series of columned stone structures. They were very reminiscent of  Grafton NYS Park, Hennig Preserve Surveys Part 4 Grafton--The Sweet Area Continued; As well the stone columns we found on a survey in the Hudson Valley last fall, which were much taller Stone Structures--Hudson Valley/ Catskills Part 4 Stone Piles/Columns

See the pictures below.

I included the last picture because of the white blemish at the center top, maybe an orb, although I think its just a water mark.

These columns were located over an aspect of Mother Earth that I am not familiar with. There is no doubt they are situated over Earth Energies or some other feature of Mother Earth.

click below to continue reading about the survey.

Survey in Chenango County, NY--Part II

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