Wednesday, April 13, 2016

School in Nature has Kids Performing Significantly Better In Every Aptitude Test

Georgia school ensures kids connect with nature - and go home dirty

At the Chattahoochee Hills Charter School south of Atlanta, learning is a breath of fresh air.

The classrooms here look more like camp or recess.

"We believe with all our hearts that children learn better when they're out in nature," said principal Walter Butler. "Something magical happens when kids connect with nature. I think it allows them to think in a broader sense."

This charter school began two years ago. Three-hundred-fifty kids won a lottery to attend grades K-6. The dozen school buildings welcome natural light, but the real classroom is nature. Students typically spend one third of their school day outdoors, reports CBS News correspondent Mark Strassmann.

Click to Read: Georgia school ensures kids connect with nature - and go home dirty

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