Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Ramapo Walls and Stone Mounds at Harriman Park, NYS--Part VI Sacred Ground

There was a lot of stone work hidden in plain view in the area surrounding the Ramapo Walls at the southern of Harriman Park. Because of this it is safe to assume that  much of the surrounding area was once treated as a sacred area and revered.

We found many loosely constructed stone circles over aspects of Mother Earth in the area surrounding the Ramapo Walls. Pepper and Jaeda Bear are pictured in one such structure. Very similar to what I found on Estelle Weeds property in New Paltz, NY last June (See Survey of Sacred Sites in Downstate NY, PART VII--Estelle Weed's Woods and its Many Stone Structures) and in other places as well.

There were a ton of Manitou Stones in the area.

We also found lots of charged areas where the vibe was still very positive another indication that the Ramapo Walls were once a sacred area. It also made us wonder what the vibe at the Ramapo Walls must have once been and whether it was littered with Energy Vortices, a Thin Veil and more. All co-creations with our Mother indicating that the area was once treated as being sacred.

I am overwhelmed with joy when I find an Energy Vortex, or what I call a Natural Vortex in the woods. Vortices. Meditating in an Energy Vortex  allows us to transcend time (see my video Transcending Time with an Energy Vortex) and connect with the spirit and consciousness of its creators.

As always on day trips where we have to drive great distances we are limited by time. We hope to go back to the Ramapo Walls and explore, learn and appreciate particularly the surrounding area. Perhaps we may be blessed to find an Energy Vortex to meditate in.

It was a good day and a great trip.

We thank Mother Earth and God for showing us the Ramapo walls. We also thank those who created them many millennia ago and charged the grounds by saturating them with love, ceremony, prayer and meditation.


To go back and start reading at the beginning.
Ramapo Walls and Stone Mounds at Harriman Park, NYS--Part I Overview


Bonnie said...

Thank you so much, Madis, for all the wonderful work that you are doing in finding and describing sacred sites. Bless you. Love, Bonnie

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this information! Do you think the sacred energies can be restored in these areas if ongoing healings,ceremony and prayer were conducted

madis senner said...

Thanks Bonnie.

Most assuredly the vibe and co-creations such as energy vortices can be reinvigorated and brought back to life. But it would take a lot of love and effort.
