Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sea Rise Higher Than Expected--America's Gulf Coast and Southern Coasts Suffer

Recent studies show seas are rising at unprecedented rates along the Gulf Coast and sections of the Southeast coast---10 millimeters, or .4 inches a year. Per the report

While there is evidence for an acceleration in global mean sea level (MSL) since the 1960s, its detection at local levels has been hampered by the considerable influence of natural variability on the rate of MSL change. Here we report a MSL acceleration in tide gauge records along the U.S. Southeast and Gulf coasts that has led to rates (>10 mm yr−1 since 2010) that are unprecedented in at least 120 years.

Climate change is accelerating and we keep underestimating the rate of change. Sea rises have a snowball affect, as fresh water estuaries near the ocean are being salinated. Which means our deficiency of potable(drinkable) water is growing.

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