Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Survey--Delaware Counties' Stone Columns and more Part IV. Conclusion

Although there were no Energy Vortices, or a great vibe, clear signs of the sacredness of an  area, there was a bit of enchantment to the place. I kept leaving my staff behind as I moved about, forcing me to return to the previous area. Some would call this a memory issue, which it may well be; I took it as a bit of mischievous fun at my expense.

I was also directed to check out a stone formation as I tripped over it. Again, this may seem benign, but my experience has taught me to focus on such events. I remember finding Ley Lines by having my legs buckle when I walked over a charged one long before I was able to dowse them out with my dowsing rods.

The formation was three stones close to each other, forming a triangle of sorts.

They marked three Energy Lines. They were reminiscent of the three large stones marking Ley Lines (Spirit Lines) at High Tor in the Keepers Area Triangle of Stones & Mounds at South Hill (Hi Tor DEC Forest) in the Keepers Area

Particular Stone Structures, A Particular People

This is the fourth place I have found stone columns at, covering an area stretching from Chenango/Delaware County to the Hudson River:

Stone Structures--Hudson Valley/ Catskills Part 4 Stone Piles/Columns

Melondy Hill State Forest (SE Chenango County, NY), Part 3 Stone Columns

Ludlow Creek NYS DEC Forest, Chenango County, NY Survey, Part 1

People talk about an unknown ancient civilization, or one not recognized by archaeologists, that populated the Earth a long time ago. Others speak of an ancient seafaring people that built megaliths around the world.

There is also the theory of diffusion that postulates ancient people past along information and knowledge on their travels, possibly a seafaring people.

I don't know who constructed the stone columns, ancient culture or seafaring people. I do believe that a group of people, or one Earth Worker was responsible for the stone columns. It also speak to regionalism on how one person /group chooses to align stones to a particular formation compared to others,

There is also another element that adds a bit of mysterey to the stone columns--yellow orbs. Two of the four surveys with stone columns saw the appearance of a mysterious yellow orb in the pictures I took. 

Return To Melondy and the Appearance of Another Yellow Orb


Certainly someone had a penchant for stone conks, versus boulders, or large platform stones that are about one to two feet high and about  three of four feet in with and length, or a sunken are, or...

Back to the Beginning

Survey--Delaware Counties' Stone Columns and more Part I

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