Saturday, August 4, 2018

Co-creating with Mother Earth/Sacred Sites Update--A Vortex has formed at Bliss, in Gossamer Wood

One of the more amazing experiences to observe as a geomancer and dowser is to watch the development of co-creations with Mother Earth such as Energy Vortices, Water Domes. etc...I say this because  an Energy  Vortex has formed in the first stone circle in the area we call Bliss at Gossamer Wood.

This is a joyous experience and part of the wonder of Gossamer Wood. What is going on at Gossamer provides you a unique window to watch Mother Earth and the input we (humankind) have upon Her first hand. For people interested in dowsing, geomancy, Earth Healing, Mother Earth this is an amazing opportunity. It is a tremendous school. 

So much love has been applied by the Earth Healers and Keepers involved with Gossamer Wood that all sorts of wonders are beginning to pop up. The overall vibe has improved a lot as well.

As geomancer it brings me great joy and holds me in awe. So much wonder. Amazing. Thanks Mother Earth.

I will making posts with a picture of a stork each time there is a new birth at Gossamer Wood to educate people about the wonder of our relationship with Mother Earth. If you are at all interested in geomancy, Earth Energy, Earth Healing....Mother Earth there is a wonderful opportunity for you to see and experience the wonder of our relationship with Mother Earth first hand at Gossamer Wood.

A pilgrim standing on the Energy Vortex in the first stone circle in Bliss. The stones circles at Bliss are the first stone circles Bill Dewey and I built at Gossamer Wood.


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