Friday, July 22, 2016

Weekly Meditation Wed 10AM Peacemaker's Sanctuary, Memorial Services

Weekly Meditation: Wednesday 10AM, Peacemaker’s Sanctuary at Onondaga Lake, West Shore Trail—Bring a chair/cushion--FREE

We will be gathering for a group meditation on Wednesday's at 10 AM, now through late September. Please bring along a chair, or cushion to sit on because bench space is limited.

The Peacemaker's Sanctuary is where my prayers were once answered to end the violence(high murder rate) in the city of Syracuse, as I note in a decade old review in my listing of sacred sites. It also contains a precious and intoxicating piece of Mother Earth's soul, and powerful imprints. This past year I have gotten insights/instructions/guidance while meditating there.

We see the Peacemaker's Sanctuary as a refuge for all. A place to seek solace and inspiration when troubled, to find healing when hurt, to be inspired and gain insight when overcome with despair, or doubt. We need your help to make this dream come true.

A sacred site needs to be continually replenished with the thoughts and love of pilgrims to stay vibrant and grow. By praying, mediating, performing ritual or just doing good things, or even thinking good thoughts you nourish a place. Those intentions are like sprinkles of water to a plant that over time turn it into a  tall tree. So please join us for a meditation, a memorial service; or just come by yourself, and pray, or meditate there.

We will be holding memorial prayer services after national tragedies at the Peacemaker's Sanctuary; 6 PM the day of, or the day after. So if there is a mass shooting, a terrorist event, or the like we will be gathering for prayer in a service led by local clergy. Times and dates will be posted on this webpage.

Directions: To get to the Peacemaker’s Sanctuary take Rt. 690 to State Fair Blvd, head towards Syracuse on State Fair Blvd. Take a left onto Beach Street, Empower Credit is on the corner. Follow to end park on grass.
Cross RR tracks and bear right and cross the bridge over Rt. 690. Take a left onto the gravel path. Within a 100 feet the dirt path will merge with an asphalt path from the right. Continue straight. Look for the first set of benches on your right 200-300 feet-this is the place.
The closest bench will say ‘Peacemaker’s Sanctuary’.

The Peacemaker's Sanctuary, where Mother Earth's soul resides, the veil is thin, and powerful imprints cling to the land looking to inspire and nourish you.

1 comment:

Harry Callahan said...

Posting a map would be helpful.