Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Adirondacks--Birthplace of Vacation and Helped Procure Summer Vacation for Kids

One of the themes of my work is that place matters and in particular the area of Greater New York State, what I call North Star Country, has shaped the world in spirituality and reform. My fourth book Sacred Sites in North Star Country went into detail about this and lists over a 100 sacred places.

This morning I read an article on about how the Adirondacks  (How summer vacation took hold in the US, with help from the Adirondacks Commentary) was the motivation for summer vacation. In other words, vacation and a small break, or reprieve from work, was born in North Star Country. It is a reprint of an article that appeared on a few days ago. Which you will find below.

Interestingly the author argues that the impetus for vacation helped influence the alteration of the school year for children to include summer vacation.

While vacation began as the author notes, as a white collar event, clearly it was a reform that helped break the bond of many hours of work and freed workers. A BIG STEP FORWARD

I have included pictures of my visit to the Adirondacks and stay at Putnam camp with my friends Jane Tretler and Pete Wirth last week in the Bloomberg article below.


PS It never ceases to amaze me how much our area has shaped the world.

How Summer Vacation Took Hold in the U.S.
A preacher's bestselling book convinced the emerging middle class to escape the cities. Horace Mann finished the job.

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